The easiest, smallest and fastest local LLM runtime and API server.

bash <(curl -sSfL '')
Get Started

Powered by WasmEdge and Rust.


Total dependency of LlamaEdge is 30MB vs 5GB for Python

Very fast

Automagically use the device’s local hardware and software acceleration.

Cross-platform LLM agents and web services in Rust or JavaScript

Write once run anywhere, for GPUs

Create an LLM web service on a MacBook, deploy it on a Nvidia device.

Native to the heterogeneous edge

Orchestrate and move an LLM app across CPUs, GPUs and NPUs.

Inference app
Total dependency
Llama2 series of models
Native spped


Learn more about LlamaEdge

Q: Why can’t I just use the OpenAI API?

A: OpenAI is great! However, when it comes to privacy, data security, and cost, self host open source LLMs are better.
Q: Why can’t I just start an OpenAI-compatible API server myself?

A: OpenAI is great! However, when it comes to privacy, data security, and cost, self host open source LLMs are better.
Q: Why can’t I use Python to run the LLM?

A: OpenAI is great! However, when it comes to privacy, data security, and cost, self host open source LLMs are better.
Q: Why can’t I just use native (C/C++ compiled) inference engines?

A: OpenAI is great! However, when it comes to privacy, data security, and cost, self host open source LLMs are better.